
Friday, December 9, 2011

Can You Donate Blood If You Have Herpes

Giving blood these days can be a tricky endeavor.  Not just anyone can donate blood.  In an attempt to make the blood supply as safe as possible there have been hundreds of restrictions put into place, denying many the opportunity to give blood. For instance, those who suffer with certain contagious diseases are barred from donating blood as are people who have lived in certain areas of the world during specific time periods (or for a certain length of time). Even a woman who has been raped or sexually abused is required to stop giving blood for at least one year after the attack.

So, what about herpes?  If you suffer with either Herpes Simplex I Virus (the kind that causes mouth sores) or Herpes Simplex II Virus (otherwise called genital herpes), can you give blood under current Red Cross and FDA guidelines.  The answer is yes – under certain circumstances.

Before we discuss the regulations regarding blood donation for the herpes patient, let’s first look at the three types of blood donors in the United States.

1. The Volunteer Donor:  A volunteer donor is someone who freely donates their blood with no monetary or other benefits in mind. They simply want to offer help when needed.  This is where the vast majority of the blood supply comes from.  A volunteer donor is required to answer 90 very short questions in order to be able to donate their blood to any clinic, hospital or blood donation center.  Answering wrong to any of those questions could cause their donation to be denied. The trouble is, not everyone answers these questions truthfully (either by accident or on purpose), and this has caused some breeches in blood safety levels in recent years.
2. The Replacement Donor:  this is someone who donates their blood to be used for themselves or someone they know (like a friend or family member). The rules and regulations regarding this type of donation are a bit slacker than general volunteer donations, since the recipient knows exactly where the blood is coming form – and from whom.   Plus if they are giving blood for their own use it really does not matter what other conditions they suffer with since their system is already being harmed by it.
3. The Professional Donor. This is a donor who actually sells their blood for monetary gain. Since the rules regarding these types of donations vary form facility to facility, the safety of these donations may sometimes be questionable.

So, why did we need to talk about the types of blood donors? Well, depending on the type of donor you are the rules for accepting or denying your blood donation may vary. For instance, a Volunteer donor facility may deny your donation if you are currently undergoing an active herpes attack; but not deny your donation if you are a replacement donor and are building up a blood supply for an upcoming surgery on yourself.

Now, let’s talk about when and why a herpes patient may be denied the ability to donate blood at a certain time or with a certain agency.
Although there are no laws requiring them to do so, it is a general practice that most blood centers across the United States follow a 'multi layer' safety protocol to determine eligibility of donors in order to secure the safest blood donations possible.  This includes:
  • Screening individually,
  • Lab test,
  • Donation exclusion confidentially,
  • Cheking donor records.

When it comes to herpes patient donations, the American Red Cross and FDA suggest that blood donations be deferred for one month after an active outbreak of the virus.  They also recommend that a primary outbreak (a person’s very first and strongest outbreak) be the cause of a temporary denial during the outbreak since the virus can be transferred in the blood during that first herpes attack.  Subsequent attacks, however, do not formally require a deferment, although one is suggested for about a month.

Another thing to consider if you suffer with herpes is how you feel.  If you are feeling especially run down, tired or sick you should not donate blood since the stress on the immune system during this time could trigger a painful attack. While this will not harm the blood you are donating, it could make your life a bit uncomfortable for a few weeks.

Donating blood is a wonderful gift; and one that does not have to be denied you just because of your herpes diagnosis.  You should, however, be sure to answer any questions about your outbreak status truthfully when asked and avoid giving blood during an attack or when you are not feeling well, both for the safety of those receiving your blood in the future and your own well being.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Can Herpes Be Cured

There is a lot of debate within the medical community as to whether or not the herpes simplex virus can actually be stricken from the body once and for all.  With little real knowledge as to whether a cure is possible, each patient must work with his/her doctor to determine whether or not their disease is gone for good.

The herpes virus comes in two distinct forms: Herpes Simplex I and Herpes Simplex II.  Both are highly contagious and can be spread from one person to another with close contact. In the case of Herpes Simplex II (otherwise referred to as genital herpes), sexual contact is the main way the infection is transmitted from person to person.

It has been well established within the medical field that neither herpes virus can be cured since it remains in the body throughout the victim’s lifetime.  Not always active, the infection can actually lay dormant for weeks, months, or in some cases, years without ever making its presence known. Then one day, something triggers a reaction within the body and the virus becomes alive and active once again and an outbreak occurs.

Since both versions of the infection can be transmitted even without open sores or blisters being present, it is very important for patients to take precautions to keep from spreading the disease.

Herpes Simplex I virus is normally considered an annoying but benign disease, causing painful cold sores in and around the mouth. Sharing straws, drinks and kisses should be avoided during an outbreak.

The more hideous strain of the disease affects the genital are and sexual organs.  Herpes Simplex II, also referred to as genital herpes is highly contagious and can be spreads through intimate contact, even when a condom is worn.

Since abstaining from sex is necessary during an outbreak and precautions must be taken even when the infection lies dormant within the body, researchers have been looking for a cure for the disease for some time.

Now it appears that a permanent cure may be on the horizon.  Many researchers now believe that there are ways to reverse the disease (and actually cure it). The problem is, they say, is that current testing measures look for antibodies of the disease in the bloodstream in order to diagnosis herpes and since anyone who has ever suffered with the disease will have these antibodies present, there is no way to determine if the infection is gone for good.

Some doctors and patients have reported a lack of symptoms for ten years or more after certain protocols have been sued, but the medical community has yet to acknowledge that the infection is gone for good.  Until now.

In recent years a new test has become available, which is based on viral DNA rather than the presence of herpes antibodies to determine whether or not the infection remains dormant in the body or has been eradicated.  Now that a test can be performed to determine the true stage of the disease within the body, it will be easier for doctors and researchers to pinpoint a real cure should one be discovered.

When it comes to “curing” herpes, there have been a lot of people who claim to have found one. Yet no medical society to date will acknowledge the existence of a real cure for this very contagious disease.

Among the many treatment options now being studied for herpes include this homeopathic cure:

  • Waiting to administer the protocol until the patient’s immune system is weakened by an illness which triggers a herpes outbreak (otherwise the body will send the infection into its dormant stage to prevent its destruction)
  • Removing all carbohydrates and sugar form the diet for 2 weeks
  • During this 2 week period take lysine, zinc and a food based multivitamin daily
  • Increasing your protein intake
  • Avoiding all nuts and nut based products
  • Applying a 2% iodine patch to the skin (about the size of a large coin) every day for 2 weeks.  If your skin absorbs the patch in less than 12 hours, it is okay to increase the amount.

In the event your symptoms return, you may have to use the protocol several times to completely eradicate the disease from your body.

Of course this is not the only homeopathic remedy for treating herpes. Herpes Simplex I seems to also respond well to Astragalus’s supplements when taken at the first is of an outbreak. 

While a real cure for herpes may still be some time away, researchers are working diligently to find a permanent cure for the disease. In the meantime, some homeopathic doctors are citing some success and those who suffer repeated bouts of herpes outbreak may want to consider looking into these alternative treatment methods for relief.